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August Minutes

Gallatin County Weed District
Regular Monthly Meeting
August 7, 2008

Board members present were Fred Bell (Acting Chair), Craig Morgan, Bob Hofman, Bob Urich and Joe Skinner (Commissioner). Jeff Littlefield was excused. Others present were Keith Mainwaring (Property Owner), Dennis Hengel (Coordinator), John Ansley (Education/Enforcement Coordinator), and Rosemary Perry (Secretary).

Minutes. The Minutes had been sent to the Board and were approved as read.

Budget/Claims. The Claims were listed on the Monthly Report for the Board to review. The Claims were approved as presented. The Board was asked how much detail they want on the Monthly Report as at this time of year it is very time consuming. The Board felt that phone calls could be more generalized on the report; however Commissioner Skinner would like to make sure that the telephone log is still maintained. Fred Bell suggested looking into a database that could be utilized so that calls would need to be only entered in one place and accessed through all three (3) computers. The staff will look into this.



1.      Public Comment/Other.
·       Keith Mainwaring reported that he had been at the Humane Society this morning pulling Spotted knapweed. The property is looking much better than it did a year  ago.
2.      Weed District Budget FY’09. Hengel stated that he had originally requested an increase of $10,000 to the herbicide budget for FY’09. This request has been put in       what is termed the “parking garage” as the Commission progresses through the Budget process. Hengel, Bob Urich and Fred Bell attended the preliminary budget                    meeting on August 5th in Churchill and presented the request to the Commissioners again. Hengel informed those present that he had received a call from Rep.              Scott Sales who was very supportive of the boom spray program. During the conversation the topic of enforcement came up and Hengel explained the current                        enforcement procedure. Rep. Sales stated that he would be supportive of efforts to make some changes to the weed law in order to initiate a more effective                              procedure. Skinner asked if there might not be an option that the Legislative Committee could adopt allowing counties to choose whether or not they wanted to be                a part of a more rigorous enforcement procedure. Hengel informed him that any changes made would have to be State wide. Another topic that Hengel brought up                         was that the crews have been doing quite a lot of spraying this year using the ATV’s. This would save on fuel costs, however we only have a single ATV trailer          and for a two (2) person team to operate efficiently we would need to be able to transport both ATV’s to the site in one trip. Hengel has priced ATV trailers and                       would like to amend the Special County Grant Application to enable the purchase of a double ATV trailer. Craig Morgan moved to amend the Special County Grant            Application to that purpose, Bob Hofman seconded and the motion carried. Hengel will submit the request to the Department of Agriculture.
3.      Commissioner Report. Commissioner Skinner reported that the Commissioners are still trying to get the $10,000 or a portion thereof for the Weed District. He felt               that it was good to see members of the Board attend the Budget meeting with Hengel. Bell questioned the availability of the PPL Grant Funds. Hengel informed Bell               that the PPL funding is for projects within a mile of the river and will not provide cost share for herbicide.
4.      Chairperson Report. Littlefield is attending a conference in Kalispell.
5.      Enforcement/Education Coordinator Report.
·       Ansley reported that he is getting a lot of complaints called in and has been meeting with complainants and respondents.
·       He has put a spray tank on “Big White” and has been spraying a lot of “hot spots”. He also sprayed part of Schmidt’s property in the Frog Rock Grant area.
·       He has met with Oma and her property looks good.
·       Ryan Meccage (Dynamecc Property Services) and Ansley toured the Frog Rock area and checked properties that Meccage has treated. Also set up photo points.
·       Ansley has been working on the rentals.
·       Kim Johnson (Department of Ag – Grant Specialist) toured the Frog Rock area with Ansley.
·       Ansley is working with Carla Hoopes on the “What’s in Your World” project. Gallatin County Weed District in coordination with the USFS and the Big Sky Weed             Committee will be set up a program at Ousel Falls in September. The District will also coordinate with Ophir School for the educational program.
·       Ansley has initiated communication with the Gallatin Association of Realtors to try and get on their education program for 2009.
·       There was discussion regarding a complaint on Dutro property last year. The enforcement process was completed and the property was mowed by the owner. This     year Ansley followed up with a notice of non-compliance. He has noted that some burning has taken place but this is not an accepted method of controlling                       Spotted knapweed and the burning is very spotty. Hengel and Ansley will send out a letter notifying the property owner that the Weed District will enter the                     property in ten (10) days and do the weed control work.
·       Fred Bell asked Ansley about the status of a field north of the Gateway Inn where there has been a serious infestation of Spotted knapweed. Mainwaring has been         in the area and stated that the property is greatly improved over last year.
6.      Coordinator Report.
·       Upper Madison WMA – Hengel informed the Board that most of the funds have been expended. Kim Johnson (MT Dept of Ag – Grant Specialist) inspected some          sites with Hengel on August 30th. Discussion regarding next years grant funding options. The Noxious Weed Trust Fund Grant Committee does not like to fund              weed control projects in subdivisions so this may not be an option next year. There may also be an issue regarding funding for weed control on guest ranches                     versus working ranches. The Town of West Yellowstone has eight (8) property sites that they lease from the Forest Service and had received a letter from the                    Forest Service regarding weed control. The County sprayed the sites as part of the matching funds.
·       GYCC Gravel Pit Program. The program was a success this year. Patrick Lawrence has left to take on a new position in the NW part of the State. 200 gravel pit           operations were contacted in three states. 53 gravel pits requested to be involved in the program.
·       Big Sky Weed Committee. Mike Jones has been receiving numerous calls requesting property inspections. He is conducting a limited survey of the property                 owners in the area. The Big Sky Weed Committee has funding for the position through mid September. Jones will be participating in the Big Sky Country Fair this                         weekend.
·       Seasonal Crews. Hengel stated that he has to do a lot more one on one supervision this year as he has no foreman. If the additional herbicide budget is approved                he is contemplating doing a 5ft boom treatment in May before the seasonal crews are activated.  The seasonal crews will follow up spot spraying the remainder of                        the right-of-way (ROW).  Due to the budget  reduction in seasonal spray crews the Weed District will have to cut back on agency cooperative projects next year in           order to ensure completion of  work on county owned properties. Bob Hofman stated that he doesn’t like to see the District drop the assistance programs as it                   helps us out as well. Commissioner Skinner asked if we are doing any work with the MDT. Hengel informed him that this year we have worked together on the                       highways around West Yellowstone. A project that Hengel would like prioritize next year with the MDT would be a cooperative treatment program on highway on                     the north end of Hebgen Lake utilizing 4 wheelers and the MDT safety vehicles.
·       Revisions of WMP and MOU. Hengel reported that he has received an email from the Deputy County Attorney regarding contract review. He needs to contact the              County Attorney and clarify whether or not they need to review the documents. Hengel would like to add a clause to the MOU stating that if a developer is not in                        compliance with the contract (WMP) the Weed District will give them ten (10) days to comply and then enter the property and complete an enforcement action.
        Commissioner Skinner asked if the Weed District had sprayed the Madison Dike. Hengel confirmed that the Weed District treated the dike in June.  Skinner stated                         that the dike looks good and he received positive comments on the weed control work completed by the District by a dike owner.
        Commissioner Skinner also asked if there had been any further action regarding the company that had sent out billing for weed control to Big Sky residents during               the winter. Hengel has not heard anything more.

Respectfully submitted,

Rosemary Perry, Secretary